Dashrepo is a brand-new site for tutorials, guides, tools, and resources for anyone seeking to learn and expand their knowledge about Data Science, Data Visualization, Machine learning, and Artificial Intelligence.
Initially, We are focused solely on publishing free Data Science courses, resources, and Articles. With few occasional guides and resources for staying productive, online. But, we are currently set with the goal to transform into the No.1 platform on the internet for data science Courses, Guides, Turorial, and other resources.
Our Data Science Toolkit
We have invested time to create and develop several channels to deliver information to our users and readers.
1. Dashrepo Data Science Blog
Data Blog
Check our data-science blog feed to stay updated and connected to our latest posts, articles, mini-guides, and Free Cheat-sheets for Data Science, Visualization, Machine learning, and Artificial Intelligence.
2. Blufeed our substack newsletter.
3. Our Gumroad store, Data Science Resource collection.
Things will be up and running here shortly, meanwhile, you can go through our data science blog posts.
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